
Web Optimizers

Wikipedia, WordPress shut down to oppose censorship

Procrastinating college students around the world lost their go-to source of information on Wednesday. Wikipedia, Reddit, WordPress and other prominent websites “blacked out,” or shut themselves down, in opposition to two bills aimed to combat online piracy — the Stop Online Piracy Act, which is going through the House of Representatives, and the PROTECT IP...
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Google’s Strategy To Boost Its G+ Social Network Risks Harming Quality Of …

Written by: foremski Last week Google introduced search results heavily influenced by relevant signals from people’s social circles and promoting G+ content in its search results. The move is an attempt to boost its nascent G+ social network, which has had a rocky start. I predicted that this strategy would attract legions of marketers hoping...
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The opposite of evil: Google named best place to work in America

Click photo to enlarge Google (GOOG) CEO Larry Page and co-founder Sergey Brin often get props for their brains. But Google being named the best place to work in America by Fortune on Thursday may also have something to do with their noses. From the company’s earliest days, the co-founders — who are said by...
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Google protests SOPA on home page

Jens Meyer / AP file Google has made no secret of its opposition to the controversial anti-piracy measures in Congress. But now the search giant is contesting the bills by adding a protest Wednesday on its home page, the same page where those lovable Google doodles are often found. While it’s not the Internet blackout...
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TwitPic, WordPress to go dark for online SOPA protest

Mozilla, Word Press and TwitPic have joined a growing list of websites that plan to go dark Wednesday to protest the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act, CBS News reports., a liberal political action committee and advocacy group, is also going offline. “Congress is playing fast and loose...
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Google launches ad campaign to ease privacy concerns

Google Inc., under scrutiny from privacy watchdogs for changes it made to its search engine, is launching a splashy ad campaign designed to alleviate privacy concerns. Also Wikipedia to go offline to protest anti-piracy legislation Google is rolling out the Good to Know campaign in two dozen U.S. newspapers and magazines, including the Los Angeles...
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Google Doodle Honors Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Google today, on the 26th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States, is honoring the holiday and legacy of the preacher of nonviolent activism with a special Google Doodle. King is most known for the “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963 at the March on Washington. The words “I have a...
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With Google+ favoritism, Google has decided it’s worth selling its soul — and …

Google’s introduction of Google+ links into its search results is a big departure from the company’s previous more neutral approach to search, and it exposes the company to a huge risk. It opens up the company to significant criticism from not just insiders but regular folks too, if they come to realize that Google is...
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Why Facebook is not part of Google’s SPYW

To understand why Facebook and Google have yet to ever agree on anything search related, we have to go back over two years. Keep in mind that most of this is fact-based and the rest is rumor and speculation; if I don’t say anything, it’s the former, but if a “source” is mentioned, it’s the...
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Small Businesses and SEO – A Luxury or a Necessity?

This is an extremely valid question and one that doesn’t really have a definitive answer as such. But, having said this, it is also fair to say that any small business that has a website which they hope will generate them some revenue stream, it will almost certainly be a worthwhile endeavour to seek the...
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RippleSmith Services

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