Installing WordPress on a website is pretty simple compared to how complicated installing website software used to be. There is only one step that is a little complicated but it only looks complicated rather than actually being so. Before you start, you will need the following information: The name of the database The username and...Read More
 By Hillel Fuld on 17 Jul 11 It is official; Google has made it in the world of social networks. After countless failures, the likes of Buzz and Wave, Google+ has hit ten million users in a short period of two weeks. It seems that user feedback is overwhelmingly positive once you get passed the...Read More
So this is one that just came to my attention this morning when one of my writers came to me and said that no matter how hard he tried to follow my instructions for using embed code when he saved it would disappear. At first I figured it was user error on his part but...Read More
SEO may be a bitch, but it’s not dead. I wrote last month about my love/hate relationship with search engine optimization. It’s absolutely true. Most of what I don’t love about this space is running an agency (the business side of it). Shortly after I published my post, I came across a brilliant piece by...Read More
Google+ to Challenge Facebook in Business Brand Ads (Page 1 of 2 ) Though it’s early days for Google+, the social network has shown signs of keen user engagement, according to statistics rattled off by none other than Google CEO Larry Page during the company’s second quarter earnings call July 14. Google+ has over 10...Read More
In every industry job responsibilities change throughout the years. Rand Fishkin shows us how SEO job responsibilities have changed and increased since 1999. He looks at accessibility, keywords, link building, and search verticals. Large-scale industry shifts in the classic SEO model during the past two-and-a-half years have made the greatest impact, he writes, pointing to...Read More
By DOUGLAS EDWARDS Getty Images/Michael Grecco; Google Type: Vault 49 Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 2002. In November 1999, Douglas Edwards became fledgling Google’s first “brand manager,” making him employee No. 59. In this excerpt from his new book, “I’m Feeling Lucky,” Mr. Edwards gives an inside view of the company’s early days,...Read More
WordPress 3.2 recently launched with hopes of bringing a “faster and lighter†approach to the publishing platform. This launch marks the 15th major release of the open source platform and comes just 4 months after the launch of WordPress 3.1. Have you tried WordPress 3.2 yet? If so, how do you like it? The newest...Read More
<!––> It’s an occasion when Paul Ford publishes one of his abstract, funny, pleasingly resistant to the understanding, often absurdist yet somehow clear-eyed essays on the sketchy corner where technology and media intersect. He’s one of the rare media writers for whom it’s worth putting everything down and finding his stuff, which will most likely...Read More
Each generation and branch of SEO tacticians, similar to any other established order in any industry, has built a set of assumptions — and even worse, for their ability to remain strategically nimble — developed sunk costs in infrastructure, most appropriate to a fixed (past) era… in this case, a past era in search engine...Read More
Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.