Saturday, March 4, 2017
GRANITEVILLE, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) — One local 4th grader’s art may end up on the Google home page.
Alex Fernandez is a student at Byrd Elementary School and was one of the thousands of K-12 students who submitted their art to be on the website’s homepage.
“Sometimes I just come up with good ideas and then I just like draw them,” Alex said.
Alex won out of the entire state of South Carolina and one of the 53 winners selected by Google and announced on February 23rd.
“I was just really shocked,” Alex said.
His mom Michelle Fernandez said she was just as surprised.
“It’s very exciting,” Fernandez said. “I was speechless for a long time about it”
She had to keep the news to herself for a month.
Fernandez said she got a call from Google in January but was told not to say anything until they announced the winners.
“He told me, and I was like ‘what? Oh my gosh. Are you serious?,'” Fernandez said. “I was in major shock and then when he said not to tell him I was like ‘ugh,'” Fernandez said.
The contest will continue until March 6th at 5 p.m., and it’s down to the publics vote.
Out of the 53 winners, the top five finalists will fly to Google headquarters in California and receive $5,000 scholarship.
The one with the most votes will win a grant for a technology program for their school and a $30,000 dollar scholarship.
It is a prize this 4th grader really wants.
“He’s pretty excited about that if he wins. He was like ‘I’ll get to go to college’ and I’m like ‘well you’ll get to go to college anyway,'” Fernandez said.
You can cast your vote here.
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