This is the second blog post I’ve installed using the new WordPress blog system on I’ve got to say, it’s about time. The Movable Type system was a full seven years old, or more to the point, the version City Brights bloggers used was seven years old. It had a few problems.
First, commenting. The individual blogger could not moderate the comments. That was left to staff, which occasionally had its hands full with Internet trolls ranging from the mild to the deranged. In at least one case I know of, a person reportedly sent some kind of death threat to the staff for removing his comment (I would guess the person was a man). Not kidding.
Now, we bloggers get to control the comments, as it should be.
Second, the other problem was the occasional “curly-cue†font that appeared whenever a part of a blog post contained what is called a “smart quote†rather than a straight quote. That’s where the quotation mark is curled. The 2004 Movable Type blog platform had a hard time dealing with that.
Finally, I just plain hated blogging directly on the platform, preferring to cross post my blogs. Now, I can make more original blogs here. In fact, I have to because is a WordPress blog, too. So any duplicate blog posts all-but cancel out Zennie62Blog in a search.
So that’s over – I’ll write two complementary posts now, where necessary. Besides, it’s time to move to the next level.
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