Mikel Amigot | IBL News An effective marketing plan will drive enrollment, engage with learners and increase word of mouth awareness. We start defining our target audience: who are the type of students who would be interested, what is the course about, and why should learners enroll in the course –what new skills and knowledge...Read More
Tackling the world of search engine optimization and organic traffic may seem overwhelming. Here are some techniques that law firms can use to effectively boost their organic search rankings. 1. Identify And Target Specific Keywords Using a tool like Google Analytics, review your site’s organic traffic sources and the keywords that are driving the most...Read More
Google Analytics is a powerful, free web analytics platform. However, it has gaps that are better served by other tools. I’ll address those gaps and tools in this post. Gaps in Google Analytics Heatmaps. Google Analytics used to have basic heat mapping capabilities. It does report the most popular links on a page. But other...Read More
The management of Public Power Corporation is seeking ways to improve the picture of its financial results. In a statement on Thursday it effectively confirmed Kathimerini’s report about the economic impasse the utility has come to and its anxiety to improve the terrible results observed in the first quarter which may signal very negative developments...Read More
Caroline Ige of Silver Spring, Md., woke up recently in the middle of the night with sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She was nauseated and had chills. Hoping to avoid a potentially long wait time at the emergency room, her husband did a Google search for a 24-hour urgent-care center nearby. Google listed one...Read More
Digital advertising refers to any advertising that takes place online. Several channels are available for advertisers to place ads and includes tools to manage campaigns for each channel. Each channel supports different types of digital media and placement options for catching the eyes of potential customers. This statistical surveying report presents a comprehensive study of...Read More
Recently, out of curiosity, I did an experiment. After running and re-running a data collection of hundreds of ecommerce companies, I’ve come to a conclusion that even I found astounding: One quarter of larger companies don’t connect Google Ads with Google Analytics. Here’s how I found out. The experiment At Littledata, we sampled 55 larger...Read More
The PPC track at SMX Advanced kicked off with a keynote by Ginny Marvin where she considered the future of an industry where automation is increasingly doing more of the work humans used to do. Her message was that we can’t escape automation so we must find a way to coexist with the machines. The...Read More
DOES IT FEEL LIKE POLITICS IS AT A BREAKING POINT? It sure feels that way to me, and here at Mother Jones, we’ve been thinking a lot about what journalism needs to do differently, and how we can have the biggest impact. We kept coming back to one word: corruption. Democracy and the rule of...Read More
Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.