
Web Optimizers

Google, Google+ and search: Maybe it’s all an SEO play

The flap over Google’s playing up Google+ in its search results continues. Now Harvard professor and security expert Ben Edelman has weighed in on the debate. His argument: By embedding Google+ into search, Google is essentially prodding people to join its social network out of SEO fear. Edelman has been noting Google’s potential favoring of...
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Exclusive: Google Launches Style Guide for Android Developers

Matias Duarte, the head of user experience at Android, aims to change the way developers design for the platform. Photo: Jon Snyder/ LAS VEGAS — Matias Duarte is a man who loves a challenge. It’s part of why he took his current job at Google, leading the Android operating system team as head of user...
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WordPress Comes Out Against SOPA

Why Google And Facebook Need To Go Dark To Protest SOPA E.D. Kain Contributor SOPA Architect Lamar Smith Can’t Hear You E.D. Kain Contributor Image via Wikipedia Joining the chorus of anti-SOPA companies, WordPress is coming out strongly against internet censorship legislation. As a long-time WordPress user and a huge fan of the platform, this...
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Google Search Changes Rile Privacy Advocate

Changes in what’s displayed in search results announced Tuesday by Google has one prominent privacy advocate ready to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Searches may draw results from information posted by others in your circles. (Click to enlarge.) Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, based in Washington,...
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Google Adds Posts From Its Social Network to Search Results

SAN FRANCISCO — Google’s popularity was built on its ability to help people find just the right Web pages. Then came the social Web, led by Facebook, where people go to see vast amounts of material that has largely been off-limits to Google — conversations and photos posted by their friends. On Tuesday, Google sparked...
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Samsung To Sell Google TV

BY JUNG-AH LEE SEOUL-Samsung Electronics Co., the world’s largest flat-screen TV maker by revenue, plans to launch a Web-connected TV using Google Inc.’s operating system in the second half of this year targeting high-end customers in the U.S. first, an executive said in an interview, in a move that will likely help broaden the appeal...
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Google Banking on Alliance with Samsung, LG, Sony for Smart TV

Google has joined hands with the world’s three top TV makers to conquer a new market after it established a dominant presence in smartphones with its Android operating system. In partnership with Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics and Sony, Google will unveil a “smart” TV at the Consumer Electronics Show that opens in Las Vegas on...
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SEO and small business marketing

For entrepreneurs looking to get ahead of the curve when it comes to small business marketing, 2012 is predicted to be the year that search engine optimization (SEO) takes the lead as the year’s top business promotions strategy. SEO is the process of increasing a website’s traffic by tailoring its content in such a way...
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This is Just a Single Clean Post

Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus...
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CES 2012: Google TV devices coming from LG, Sony and Vizio

Post Recommended Washington Post reporters or editors recommend this comment or reader post. Article source:
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