
Web Optimizers

Basic SEO Tactics for Wholesalers in 2012

by Claudia Bruemmer While Search Engine Optimization tactics evolve over the years, the good old basic tactics remain valid. That means keyword research, search-friendly URLs, Title tags, Meta descriptions, headers, great content, images with Alt tags, optimized videos and linking. As Google and other search engines continue to tweak their algorithms to benefit users, wholesalers...
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Google TV on track to launch around the world in 2012

Now it’s official: LG, Samsung, Sony and Vizio will be showing off new Google TV hardware at CES, according to a Google blog post, which also revealed that at least one of these CE makers is ready to take the Google TV experience outside the U.S.: Sony will unveil new gear for the U.S. markets...
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Why Social Media Doesn’t Mean Business

Don’t imagine that social media will directly win you business. They might. Just like face-to-face networking might. But just as it’s unlikely that you’ll meet someone on day one who says: “Hoorah, you sell exactly what I need, let me give you my money”, it’s unlikely that a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ or Twitter...
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Google Takes a Step Toward Fighting Android Fragmentation

A small change regarding the look and feel of Ice Cream Sandwich apps could help Google fight Android fragmentation. The Holo themeStarting with Android 4.0, support for the “Holo” theme will be mandatory for phones and tablets that have the Android Market installed. Holo is the stock Android theme, known for its sharp angles, thin...
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SEO 2012: 7 Point Checklist for Search Engine Ranking

Social Signals to Dominate SEO in 2012 Predictions on the end of the world have been heard a hundred times and more throughout history and there is one for this year too; but it all has all come to null and so are the so called predictions about the death of the Search Engine Optimization....
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Google Ad Controversy Prompts Finger Pointing

(click image for larger view and for slideshow)Google and marketing companies that it hired to promote its products are distancing themselves from an online ad campaign that violated Google’s ad guidelines. On Monday, search marketing blogs SEO Book and Search Engine Land took note of a series of sponsored blog posts that identified Google as...
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Google Bases a Campaign on Emotions, Not Terms

The search giant made its first push into advertising with a Super Bowl ad in 2010 about a young couple falling in love. But through last year it began a more focused national television campaign, as well as taking on other efforts, like hosting Google-themed conferences in an effort to represent its online brand in...
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Start Fresh With New Year’s Day Google Doodle

Google rang in the New Year with a festive homepage doodle, but the search giant updated this morning with a New Year’s Day image that appears to show the logo’s letters getting an early start on their resolutions. Yesterday’s doodle showed the Google “letters” dancing amidst confetti while wearing party hats, top hats, and...
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How to Improve Local SEO Efforts

Optimizing a website for local search is important for a few reasons. First, the number of smart phone and tablet users is on the rise meaning that a larger percentage of searches are being performed “on the go”. Mobile web searchers are often looking for local information and local establishments. Second, search is becoming more...
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A Look Back at the Evolution of SEO in 2011

Tweet SEO has certainly had its share of ups and downs this past year. Both Google and Bing have rolled out a lot of new features and algorithm updates that have the potential to impact the way SEO is handled from here on out. Here are 4 of some of the biggest changes to SEO...
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RippleSmith Services

Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.