
Web Optimizers

Drupal, Joomla and WordPress – What Will You Choose? – SYS

Some questions can never be answered; they can only be debated but we never get the solution to it. The same is the case for CMSs; people for years have been trying to find out which one is best for them and which is good to manage a website. Open source CMSs have had great...
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Google offers Currents, a Flipboard-like app

IDG News Service – Google has released a free mobile app that pulls content from different websites into one place and lets people build what looks a bit like their own personalized online magazine. Called Google Currents, the app came out on Thursday, one day after a similar app called Flipboard was released for Apple’s...
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Twitter Unleashes Embeddable Tweets

Along with Twitter’s redesign announcement Thursday, the service has rolled out a new way to let website developers and bloggers embed tweets that give visitors the ability to reply, retweet and favorite without leaving the page. Twitter users now can place embeddable tweets on their websites by simply using one line of code. A single-click...
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Google Wallet: A brewing battle between Verizon and Google

Computerworld – Verizon Wireless is thwarting the use of the Google Wallet mobile payment app, at least for now, on the coming Galaxy Nexus smartphone running on Verizon’s 4G LTE network. The carrier denied it is “blocking,” the app in a technical sense, but Google’s simple statement made late Monday on the matter speaks volumes:...
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Post With Left Sidebar

Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus...
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Google, Mozilla Still Negotiating Firefox Search Deal

Google has been the default search engine on Mozilla’s Firefox browser for several years, a deal that results in some nice royalty payments for Mozilla. The deal, however, expired in November, so what does that mean for the future of Firefox? Mozilla and Google are still negotiating a search deal, but Mozilla is touting its...
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WordPress readying PPC advertising feature

Having become a popular platform for publishing SEO copy, WordPress has revealed that it will be launching a PPC ads feature for its sites, according to an article published by The Drum. WordPress has partnered with Federated Media to create the feature, which will be accessible to users of WordPress that meet a number of...
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Google Tests Ice Cream Sandwich Update on Employees

Ready for a little Ice Cream Sandwich – that’s Android 4.0 – for your smartphone? Keep waiting, although you can now complement your patience with a little bit of hope. New reports from company employees indicate that Google has started to roll out Ice Cream Sandwich internally, testing the latest version of the mobile OS...
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Google Product Search to Compete With Amazon Prime

Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) is reportedly working on an alternative to Amazon’s (NASDAQ:AMZN) Prime two-day, shipping service that would let people shop for goods online and get their orders shipped to their doors within a day for a fee, according to The Wall Street Journal. Amazon Prime is a popular program that lets consumers pay $79 a...
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WordPress, Joomla, Drupal Dominate Open Source CMS

According to Water Stone, just like in 2010, the “big three” open source CMS services WordPress, Joomla and Drupal are dominating the market. And out of these three it is WordPress that outpaced Joomla and Drupal. This survey covered 35 systems – the primary focus of the survey was the adoption rate and strength of brand. For...
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RippleSmith Services

Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.