
Web Optimizers

Top 10 SEO Myths… Dispelled

In continuation to a relatively popular article I wrote last month on top web analytics myths, I thought I would expand upon the theme of dispelling myths again this month. This time, I turned to some fellow Search Engine Watch contributors to help crowd-sourced a list of favorite SEO myths we’ve heard over the years....
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Google, Samsung right to delay Nexus Prime, analysts say

Computerworld – Steve Jobs’ was praised worldwide as a business visionary following his death last week. Analysts say Jobs’ death also had immediate business impacts on both Apple products and those Android-based machines sold by rivals. For instance, Google and Samsung postponed plans to launch a new smartphone tomorrow because, Google said, “We believe this...
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Government uses WordPress for Civil Service website

The Government Digital Service (GDS) has relaunched the Civil Service website using the WordPress blog tool, one of the most widely used content management systems on the internet. Details of the project have been made public on the GDS blog, which says the website was relaunched on 30 September. The approach contrasts with that used...
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20+ Essential Resources for Improving Your SEO Skills

Mollie Vandor is the Associate Product Manager at Prior to that, she helped launch, where she served as the Product Manager, amongst many other roles. You can reach her @mollierosev, on her blog, or on her latest addiction – Words With Friends, where she plays under the username “Mollierosev.” Search engine optimization isn’t...
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Offline Gmail app good for casual use

These days, if I need to read or write an e-mail when I’m not at a regular computer, I can usually do so on my phone. Wi-Fi is also plentiful — even on planes and trains — when I need to catch up on messaging using my laptop. But I found myself lacking both options...
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Successful SEO Tactics: Reporting & Analytics

As we close out our four-part series on the SEO Tactics chart, we touch on the most powerful of all of the pillars – measurement, reporting, and analytics. This is the subject I’m most passionate about as it lies at the core of a solid organic strategy and ultimately the long-term success of an organic...
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10 WordPress Plugins Your Small Business Website Needs

One of the biggest benefits to creating your small business website on WordPress is that the system is easily expanded using the WordPress plugin system. You can easily optimize your website, manage your content, or even create quick backups. The problem with the plugin system is that there are literally hundreds of plugins. How do...
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Google, Samsung Delay Unveiling the Nexus Prime

Google is pushing back a product announcement previously slated for the October 11th CTIA event. The product in question is likely the Nexus Prime, but Google and Samsung decided to postpone out of respect for the recent passing of Steve Jobs. The Prime Rescheduled In a joint statement, Google and Samsung announced a decision “to...
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Steve Jobs WordPress theme brings us back in time

(Credit: WordPress) (CBS) – The death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs stirred up a lot of emotion around the world. Apple stores were adorned with flowers and thank you notes, but some of the most fitting tributes could be found online. The WordPress team posted the Retro MacOS theme for fans of the old operating...
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SEO Marketing is Sooooo 90s. Wait, What!?

If you haven’t heard of the term SEO yet and don’t know of its power in the marketing world: the 90′s called and they want their Game Boy back. It’s 2011 and the search engine optimization business is a multi-billion dollar operation. Yet some marketing teams still don’t use this platform to its fullest potential. I...
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RippleSmith Services

Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.