
Web Optimizers

Google Ads announces new click-to-message ad features and store visits updates

NEW YORK – Google is adding functionality to click-to-message ads and rolling out attribution and bidding capabilities for retail advertisers tracking store visits generated from online efforts. The features were among those announced at SMX East in New York City Thursday morning. Click-to-message updates. Google will be rolling out two new updates — email forwarding...
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Pros and Cons of PPC

Most marketers and businessmen are familiar with pay per click marketing. If you are not, take a look at this quick 9 step guideline describing pay per click marketing. PPC is about paying for each click a visitor makes to your website. In PPC, you pay a fee each time a visitor clicks on your...
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Google’s former head of search products has just joined insurer Anthem to run its AI group

<!– –> MENUSEARCH QUOTES Tech Udi Manber, who ran engineering for Google’s core search products and previously held senior roles at Yahoo and Amazon, is joining health insurance giant Anthem as the head of artificial intelligence, according to people familiar with the matter. Manber’s new role involved running the AI group at Anthem and he’s...
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Google Nixes One AdWords Class Rep, But Another Survives

By Dave Simpson Law360 (October 24, 2018, 6:30 PM EDT) — A California federal judge on Tuesday killed one plaintiff’s class claims alleging he was overcharged by Google LLC, finding once again that his relationship to class counsel presents a conflict, but… Article source:
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The 12 Areas of SEO Knowledge You Must Master to be Successful

Corey Morris ‘ ); h3_html = ‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor.headline+’ ‘; cta = ‘‘+cat_head_params.cta_text.text+’→‘ atext = ‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor_text+’ ‘; scdetails = scheader.getElementsByClassName( ‘scdetails’ ); sappendHtml( scdetails[0], h3_html ); sappendHtml( scdetails[0], atext ); sappendHtml( scdetails[0], cta ); // logo sappendHtml( scheader, ” ); sc_logo = scheader.getElementsByClassName( ‘sc-logo’ ); logo_html = ”; sappendHtml( sc_logo[0], logo_html ); sappendHtml( scheader, ”...
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Google Analytics to Add Lead-Generation Capabilities to Its Already Popular Platform

Fastbase to Power the Lead-Generation Software to Be Leveraged by Google Analytics Users to Access Potential Leads, Globally Google has made several changes to its extremely successful and popular platform, ‘Google Analytics.’ The intention behind this innovation is solely to help the marketing community understand customers better. So far, Google has been successfully releasing critical...
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10 Paid Search & PPC Best Practices for 2019

Lisa Raehsler ‘ ); h3_html = ‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor.headline+’ ‘; cta = ‘‘+cat_head_params.cta_text.text+’→‘ atext = ‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor_text+’ ‘; scdetails = scheader.getElementsByClassName( ‘scdetails’ ); sappendHtml( scdetails[0], h3_html ); sappendHtml( scdetails[0], atext ); sappendHtml( scdetails[0], cta ); // logo sappendHtml( scheader, ” ); sc_logo = scheader.getElementsByClassName( ‘sc-logo’ ); logo_html = ”; sappendHtml( sc_logo[0], logo_html ); sappendHtml( scheader, ”...
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Google News app bug is using up gigabytes of background data without users’ knowledge

Some users of Google News for Android are reporting that the app has used up excessive amounts of background data, leading to overage charges. According to dozens of posts on the Google News Help Forum, users have been experiencing this issue as early as June. The issue was verified and addressed by a Google News...
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5 Dicas para aumentar seu índice de qualidade do Google AdWords | Economize nos seus anúncios PPC

  “Quanto maior for o seu índice de qualidade do Google AdWords, mais barato você vai pagar por clique.”   O Google vale muito mais do que $500 ou $600 bilhões. Por quê? É porque todo mundo está clicando nos anúncios do Google AdWords. Quando você faz uma pesquisa no Google, o que você vê...
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SEO agencies – Important questions to ask before choosing one

Have you ever had a negative experience using a search engine optimization agency? If so, you are by no means alone. It seems like just about every business owner has heard SEO horror stories or has one themselves. This article is not an exposé of bad agencies, nor is it to “name and shame” any...
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RippleSmith Services

Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.