Easy tips to optimize your WordPress website for search engines – Tech in Asia

  1. Make sure that your content is uniquely yours and can easily be understood with keywords properly highlighted.
  2. Provide links to your website from other sites that are related to yours.
  3. Provide a file name and image with good recall for your site. Both of these should show up when your site is being searched. Remember to include the alt-tag for your images as this will make it easier for people to reach your site.
  4. Permalinks used should be short and easy to understand. It is even better if you include the keywords in it.
  5. Use themes. These themes that you can use come in codes which results in the design and will affect your ranking in searches.
  6. Use the XML Sitemap formula. This tool will maximize your usage of WordPress and your plug-ins.
  7. Use the h1 to h6 highlight methods to emphasize keywords present in your text at the most 2 or 3 times.
  8. You can promote your website on the different social networking sites.
  9. It is useless to use cheats like black hat methods and replica html sites on your search engine because they will definitely discover this and block it out. And these acts never go unpenalized.
  10. Flash is something that you should never use.


  • Keep updating your contents. This will keep your visitors interested in your content.
  • Make use of the correct highlight text for your links.
  • Make use of the alt-tag command to provide descriptions.
  • Use less of punctuation marks in your URL address as these make locating your sight more difficult.
  • Hyphenated words are good. Never use the underscore sign.
  • Session Identifications are not good in URLs.
  •  Using sticky posts and tag clouds are both good.
  • Provide a description of the category in text form.
  • Allow your visitors to enlist in a category specific Rich Site Summary
  • Interlinks must be applied whenever it is possible.
  • Sub directories provide faster searches than sub domains.

Gather information about your target market and provide text and image content that they are interested in.


1.      WordPress SEO by Yoast

This is a SEO tool that can be used to make sure that the keywords you have provided are all being used properly. There is a specific way this tool analyses the usage of your keywords. The information it provides are the number of appearance a keyword appears in one content, the location of the keyword and previews the appearance of the keyword when used by others.

2.      All in One SEO Pack

This plug-in does a whole lot of things from counting keyword density, to maximizing the tags and a lot more. There is very little work required from the user.

3.      Google Analyticator

This is one tool that can be used to monitor all the happenings in your visitor logs. This helps you analyze your traffic situation and from there you will know what to do on how to maintain or increase visitor numbers.

4.      SEO Friendly Image

This tool helps you optimize the usage of your images.

5.      SEO Content Control

The good thing about this plug-in is that it monitors every part of you content and will alert you on which parts need to be strengthened.

Article source: https://www.techinasia.com/talk/easy-tips-optimize-wordpress-website-search-engines/

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