Google has released version 12.5 of the Google AdWords editor on August 30, 2018. The interesting thing, outside of the new features, is that Google did not rename it to Google Ads Editor, it is still named AdWords Editor – at least for now.
Version 12.5 brings these new features:
- More text in expanded text ads: Google recently made changes to expanded text ads so that you have more room to convey your message to customers. Now you can add a third headline and a second description, and each description field has a 90-character limit.
- New description line for Dynamic Search Ads: Dynamic Search Ads have more space for you to get your message across to potential customers. Now you can add a second description line, and both description fields have a 90-character limit.
- Longer descriptions for call-only ads: In call-only ads, the character limit on the description field has been increased to 90 characters.
- New custom rule: Sitelinks with no descriptions: Sitelink extensions with description text can improve your CTR, and this custom rule will warn you if you try to add or edit sitelink feed items that don’t have description text associated with them.
Forum discussion at Twitter.
Note: This story was pre-written and scheduled to be posted now, I am currently offline for a holiday.
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