Congratulations! Your new WordPress site is live — but this is not the end, trust me when I say this is just the beginning.
Now that your site is live you need to know where you go from here? What is left to do for your site? How do to track success? How can you keep the momentum rolling? These are all things that you should be thinking about.
What Happens Post-Launch
Post-launch is the make or break time for good WordPress Development teams. Trust me, no matter how dialed in your team is, something will go wrong. At a minimum an issue will pop up that needs to be dealt with.
As a client, new user or even experienced user — do not panic. 90% of everything that goes wrong post-launch is transparent to your visitors. In the same token, if you are a (newer) WordPress Developer 90% of what pops up is not noticed by your client.
Whatever comes up, just deal with it as soon as possible. If it’s not mission critical schedule time to make the fix. Just do it.
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What’s Left To Do For Your Site
Being a WordPress user (or developer) is not a spectator sport. Keep track of your analytics. Go tabs on Webmaster Tools to make sure you site is in good health.
Test concepts. Test content. Test conversion rates. I can’t stress the importance of testing, measuring, and refining. Marketing Press often refers to this as the Review, Refine and Repeat phase of the project.
Review what is happening on your site. This includes traffic, conversion, SEO ranking etc. Measure everything and anything, and make improvements to your site. If you are a business owner and your WordPress site is here to help grow your business you should be measuring these metrics just as your sales manager manages his sales team. It’s that important.
Use Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools and SEO Ranking Reports to help guide your web marketing decisions.
How Gain Momentum and Keep It Going
The easiest, scariest and hardest thing to do is get and keep momentum rolling, because it takes work.
Creating and publishing content is not for the lazy.
Create content and post it regularly to your site. Let you voice and subject matter expertise be heard and seen. Post relevant videos to your site. Write OpEd pieces. Practice marketing Youtility.
The more you post good and sharable content to your site the better chance you have at your site being found through search engines.
So again, Congratulations on getting your awesome WordPress site launched! Now it’s time to put it to work.
This article originally appeared on Marketing Press and has been republished with permission.
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