New Video SEO Content Announced for Content Writing King’s Website – Virtual

Content Writing King releases new video for SEO video content creation page. This is the first in a series of new videos

(PRWEB) July 29, 2012

Today, Content Writing King released a brand new video to its SEO video content creation page. This new video helps to give new visitors to their website a brief introduction to their video SEO service. According to Content Writing King, once a visitor watches the video they should have enough information to understand the rest of the information on the page about the video content creation service.

Visitors can expect more videos to be released for each of the SEO content creation web pages, states Content Writing King. They said their goal is to further provide quality content to customers who visit their website, just as they would for any clients who would be sign up for those SEO content creation services. In other words, Content Writing King is practicing what they preach by using their own video SEO services to enrich the content on their own website.

Also, Content Writing King has been working on a social media campaign in which they are expecting to use their SEO video services. They recently added accounts for Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Diigo. They say that they are trying to connect with their target audience in as many places and in as many ways as possible to promote not only their SEO video content creation services, but also their SEO content creation services.

Content Writing King recently released a statement concerning their new SEO video for their video service page. This statement says, “We’ve just added a new video to our video services page. Please keep your eyes out for informative videos on our other pages in the coming days.”

About Content Writing King – Content Writing King is an online company that offers customers SEO video content creation services, as well as other SEO content creation services. For more information, please visit their website at

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