Non-WordPress Admins Can’t Use Some Types Of Embed Code, Here’s How To Fix It

So this is one that just came to my attention this morning when one of my writers came to me and said that no matter how hard he tried to follow my instructions for using embed code when he saved it would disappear. At first I figured it was user error on his part but he said he had researched the issue and found out that it was actually a known issue with more recent versions of WordPress. WordPress has special short code for things like YouTube and Vimeo but if you want to embed video from let’s say the PlayStation Blog, then this is something that you need to read.


The problem occurs because by default WordPress admin accounts are the only ones that are able to use “unfiltered html”. Therefore, normal accounts can put embed code in but they can’t save it. I am sure that the folks at Automattic put this in as a security feature but when you have multiple people writing for your site that need to be able to embed video its just a nuisance. To maintain security, you need to be able to define custom permissions for different user types. Whatever you do don’t just make everyone administrators, it would solve the problem but would create a huge security hole for you. I know that last sentence sounded crazy but I know people who have done this kind of thing to solve a similar problem.

The smarter solution is to use some kind of role manager plugin, I actually use Capability Manager. This plugin is great, it allows me to not only customize the permission sets of existing user types but to complete totally brand new custom ones. This way you can take let’s say the standard Author account and upgraded it with a few extra permission that facilitate all your writers to be able to do everything you need but still not be able to do any kind of admin functions. I am sure there are other kinds of role manager plugins out there but this is one that I am familiar with and I know works and is very robust allowing you to do things like copy existing roles and then rename them to have your own custom roles. So bang your head on the wall on this one no more, just download one of these programs, enable “unfiltered html” and you should be good to go.

Note: In mine I had two options for “unfiltered html”, enabling just the second one worked like a charm.

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