Practical Tips for Hiring an SEO Consultant

Practical Tips for Hiring an SEO Consultant | Video |

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Are you wondering why people aren’t engaging with your brand online? Or why customers aren’t knocking you your door down, demanding to purchase your products and services? Perhaps your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) is far from cutting it.

For many time-strapped entrepreneurs, devoting the needed time and reources to optimize their sites for search is impossible. In which case, it might be time to hire an employee or a consultant to manage your SEO.

If this sounds like your situation then you’ll want to watch this short video. Rand Fishkin, founder of Seattle-based online marketing and SEO firm Moz, goes over the most important factors to keep in mind when hiring an SEO consultant.

“They should be very able to identify with your customers and people who are searching for things in your space,” Fishkin says. “They should have deep empathy for [your customers’] needs and how they can fulfill those needs by producing the right kinds of content on your website and making that accessible.”


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Jason Fell is the managing editor of

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