SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. Websites with good SEO are definitely on top of the least of today’s searches and will continue to dominate throughout 2019. Learning how SEO works and utilizing it for your website is one of the best things that you can do when it comes to taking your recognition to the next level.
If you’re new to SEO or just looking to improve it further, here are some tips from professionals and analysts for the upcoming 2019 trends.
Source: SEO PowerSuite
Understanding your audience and their intent
Knowing what your audience prefers is going to be more important than ever, experts say. The understanding of what someone is expecting to find with their search and giving them the answer in the simplest way is what’s going to make all the difference. Even if you have the most perfectly designed website and the most amazing articles, if your SEO is not on point, you will not grow. Hiring a digital marketing agency that is proficient in such optimization is one of the best investments that you can do for your business. According to Connecticut SEO agency, online businesses are 71% more successful if properly optimized. That’s a pretty large percentage, and you shouldn’t miss that.
Source: 2440 Media
The era of voice search
When voice search appeared it was not really utilized a lot, and people preferred to stick to writing. As time kept passing, voice search became more popular and it’s still on the rise. “In a couple of years, we’re all going to hear “Ok, Google” every minute.” – Experts say. By 2020 it is believed that more than 60 percent of all searches will be done by voice. We really shouldn’t neglect where the future is headed, optimizing and planning for it will help a lot when the time comes.
Amazon SEO
The rise of Amazon Search Optimization is really happening. Although people still find it funny when someone says that it will ever compete with Google, Amazon really starts growing and becoming larger by the day. SEO experts believe that 2019 will be a big year for this. A statistic says that almost 75 percent of shoppers use Amazon to find their desired products. The study is from Kenshoo and it applies to customers based in the US, UK, France, and Germany. If you’re still not convinced that Amazon is a very large competitor, take a look at this research as well. 56% of the consumers will first perform their search on Amazon before even looking somewhere else. And it’s not just their products that they manage to find. It’s everything else they would need out of Google. Product reviews, similar products suggestions and everything else related to the product they’re interested in. Although this is a good thing, to see another competitor in the game that can actually compare to Google, even by a little, it is somewhat of a threat for Google and Google Ads. If fewer and fewer people stop using Google for products, the advertising and revenue of Google Ads will be impacted, and it won’t be a small impact.
Source: AMZFinder
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