Google’s smart speakers are not eavesdropping on your conversations.
Credit: Google
Late last week, a story broke about Google using the Assistant in devices like the Nest Hub and Google Home to “eavesdrop” on users. VRT NWS, a Belgian news organization, reported listening to “more than a thousand” leaked Assistant voice recordings that included “conversations that should never have been recorded, some of which contain sensitive information.” The VRT NWS report and some of the follow-on coverage by other outlets is flavored by the “evil, duplicitous big tech” narrative that is often adopted by the media when stories like this are reported. The Belgian data leak illustrates serious problems that need to be addressed, but they don’t have anything to do with Google eavesdropping or being duplicitous.
Improving voice recognition systems involves correcting the errors that occur when the speaker says one thing and the system hears something different. Humans who have expertise in a language and the accents used by speakers of the language listen to the voice recordings and make corrections which are then used to train the system to improve recognition accuracy. Every company that relies on automated voice recognition does this, Google included.
Language experts correct discrepancies between what was said and what was heard.
Credit? Kaboompics/Pixabay
Google subcontracts this job to companies with expertise in local languages and dialects. An employee at one of those companies in Belgium gave VRT NWS access to the recordings. Among the thousand plus recordings were 153 that occurred when the Assistant activated without hearing the “OK/Hey Google” wake up command. Some of these mistaken recordings included bedroom talk, arguments, and business calls that should have been private. VRT NWS was also able to discover the identity of some of the speakers from the information present in the recordings.
Long before the VRT NWS report, Google made it clear that vocal queries to the Assistant are recorded and listened to by language experts to improve recognition accuracy. As noted above, this is business as usual for companies that create voice recognition systems. Google gives users who are uncomfortable with being recorded the options of disabling voice recording completely, auto-deleting recordings from Google’s servers every 3 or 18 months, or manually deleting individual recordings at any time.
Google issued a blog post addressing several points related to the VRT NWS story. Only about 0.2% of all recordings are singled out for review by language experts. The recordings are anonymized although users may say something that allows someone to identify who they are as happened in the leaked recordings. The employee that gave VRT NWS access to the recordings violated Google’s data security policies and the company’s Security and Privacy Response teams are investigating what happened. Google says it will take appropriate action and review its safeguards to make it less likely that a data leak like this will happen again.
The Belgian data leak isn’t about Google being evil.
There’s nothing here that fits the evil, duplicitous big tech narrative. Humans listening to voice recordings to improve voice recognition systems is standard operating procedure and Google has long made it clear that voice interactions with the Assistant are recorded and used by humans to improve the system.
What happened is that an employee at one of Google’s subcontractors violated policy by leaking recordings. Was the employee ignorant, clueless, malicious? Was the subcontractor lax in maintaining data security? We don’t know. Google is investigating to find out what happened and promises to act based on what it finds. It also publicly addressed the issue in a blog post.
There’s nothing evil or duplicitous about any of this. The “eavesdropping” tag that appears frequently in headlines is ridiculous. No part of this story indicates Google is listening surreptitiously to find out what people are saying.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t serious problems here that Google needs to address. First, the fact that the leak occurred indicates data security for Assistant voice recordings is inadequate. An employee should never have been able to give an outside party access to these recordings.
You don’t want Google recording moments like these.
Recording when the Assistant activates without hearing the wake-up command is a more serious problem. Google calls these “false accepts”. People know what they’re doing and should know they’re being recorded when they consciously activate the Assistant. They don’t know they’re being recorded when the Assistant activates without a wake-up command. Something private may be overheard in both cases, but it’s more likely to happen when people don’t realize the Assistant is recording. That’s an unacceptable invasion of privacy.
We don’t know if the 153 false accepts VRT NWS found represents 15.3% of the leaked recordings because we don’t know how many more than 1000 recordings were leaked. We also don’t know if the recordings VRT NWS heard are a representative sample of the recordings sent out by Google for analysis. The employee may have chosen to leak a set of recordings with a high proportion of false accepts.
However, if the sample is representative and about 15% of the recordings are false accepts, Google has a serious problem that needs to be solved sooner rather than later. A 15% false accept rate is much too high for a voice recognition system that is recording people in the privacy of their own homes. Google needs to drive the false accept rate down to less than five percent. In addition, Google (and Amazon, Apple and every other company that markets a voice recognition system embedded in a smart home device) should publicize the current false accept rate on a regular basis in the interests of transparency. Users should be informed about the probability that their smart device will activate without a wake-up command.
The leaked voice recordings in Belgium are cause for concern. Google’s data security for voice recordings needs to be tightened up and the Assistant’s false accept rate needs to be reduced. Media coverage that frames the story in terms of big tech surreptitiously gathering user data follows a comfortable narrative that misinforms the reader, increases misunderstanding, and directs attention away from the important problems that need to be solved.