WordPress 3.4.1 maintenance and security update released

A new WordPress version has been released just a minute ago. The new release brings the popular blogging platform to version 3.4.1. Webmasters and administrators should see notifications in the admin dashboard that a new version is available. From here they have the options to install the update right from within the admin dashboard, or to download the release to a local system for testing and manual updating purposes. It is as always recommended to backup the blog, files and database, before installing the update on the server.

WordPress 3.4.1 is a maintenance and security update according to the official release page. The new version fixes 18 bugs in WordPress that were discovered in version 3.4 which has been released exactly two weeks ago (see WordPress 3.4 release announcement).

wordpress 3.4.1

The new version of WordPress in addition fixes several security related issues and hardens the security of the software further. Andrew Nacin on behalf of the WordPress team revealed that these vulnerabilities could potentially be used for information disclosure and affected multi-site installs with untrusted users as well.

As far as resolved bugs are concerned, they are all listed on the WordPress Tracker website.

  • Fixes an issue where a theme’s page templates were sometimes not detected.
  • Addresses problems with some category permalink structures.
  • Better handling for plugins or themes loading JavaScript incorrectly.
  • Adds early support for uploading images on iOS 6 devices.
  • Allows for a technique commonly used by plugins to detect a network-wide activation.
  • Better compatibility with servers running certain versions of PHP (5.2.4, 5.4) or with uncommon setups (safe mode, open_basedir), which had caused warnings or in some cases prevented emails from being sent.

It is recommend to update blogs running WordPress to the newest version as soon as possible because of the security issues that it addresses.

I have updated several of the blogs that I administrate and have not seen any bugs or ill-effects caused by the update. While that is no guarantee that this will also be the case on other updated sites, it is likely that only a minority will run into issues with this update.

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Author: , Thursday June 28, 2012 –

Responses so far:

  1. Major issues for me with this update. I am unable to get into my admin page because of it. It appears that I am not the only one with this issue and as always the WordPress forum mods are being less than helpful with a solution.

  2. Here is another write up on the specific Security items addressed: http://blog.sucuri.net/2012/06/wordpress-update-3-3-3-and-3-4-1-patches-released.html


  3. Quite expected from WordPress team as they often come up with a follow up version with various bug fixes…I already updated mine..

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Article source: http://www.ghacks.net/2012/06/28/wordpress-3-4-1-maintenance-and-security-update-released/

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