Following in the footsteps of commenting systems Echo, Disqus and Intense Debate, has launched WordPress, Twitter and Facebook authorization and identity systems for its own commenting platform, in that order. The blog host didn’t even have the option before.
Coming before Facebook on this is another albeit small win for Twitter, who yesterday became the first social platform to be fully integrated into an iOS.
Automattic founder Matt Mullenweg tells me that the Twitter and Facebook comments are a lot more “flexible†than just Twitter and Facebook, and that we also should probably consider them here at TC. (Check in on this post in an hour or two for statistics what is being most used.)
While the new commenting box allows you to post as your account, a guest or as your Twitter and Facebook profile, the platform conveniently allows you to stay logged in to multiple identity systems at once. currently serves 18 million sites, including VIPs GigaOm, CNN and Time and of course TechCrunch.
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