WordPress.com Now Offers .CO Top-Level Domain

Bloggers using the hosted WordPress.com service now have the option to use a .CO domain when looking to procure a customized name for their site.

Thus far, users looking to steer clear of a WordPress.com-branded domain through using a personalized URL could choose from a .COM, .ME, .NET or a .ORG.

The domain is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Colombia, and is administered by .CO Internet SAS, a venture formed to capitalize on the popularity of the domain name around the world, with the likes of Twitter using it as their default URL shortener. This represents the first new top-level domain for WordPress.com users since .ME was added way back in 2011.

Since 2010, well over a million .CO domain names have been registered globally, a figure that could be set to leap considerably given WordPress is now on the scene.

Using .CO with WordPress.com

Existing WordPress.com users can register a .CO domain name by going to Store Domains in their dashboard. Then, under ‘Add a Domain’, enter the desired domain. You’ll then be guided through the setting-up process.

wa 730x186 WordPress.com now offers a .CO option for customized blog domain names

For completely new users, you’ll be asked to complete your details when signing-up for a WordPress.com account, and in the Blog Address field, this is where you’ll indicate your desired top-level domain.

A .CO domain will cost $25 year through WordPress.com, which will of course include full hosting.

Article source: http://thenextweb.com/media/2013/07/23/wordpress-com-now-offers-co-top-level-domains-option-for-customized-top-level-domain-names/

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