20 things you need to know about video SEO

Video is now the most popular type of online content, according to a June 2016 HubSpot survey. HubSpot’s report suggests global internet users consume video “thoroughly,” instead of simply skimming it, as they often do with other forms of content. “If you want to make a big impact and keep people’s attention,” HubSpot said, video is the best form of online content to accomplish that goal.

Of course, if no one can find your video, it’s not going to make a big impact or keep anyone’s attention. And unlike text on web pages or in blog posts, Google’s search engine bots can’t “crawl,” or index, video to determine its subject matter.

Consequently, search engine optimization (SEO) is particularly important for video. To find out how to maximize video visibility in search results, we queried search professionals and digital marketing experts for their best video SEO tips.

1. Quality content boosts video SEO

High-quality video has a better chance of ranking highly in Google search results, according to Toby Balsiger, CEO of website design and SEO consultant firm Website Tigers. “This means the video needs to be relevant to the keywords you’re going after, as well as helpful to your audience,” he says. “A crappy video will not rank in Google because it will have poor user signals, such as low time on site and high bounce rate.”

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