If you haven’t heard of the term SEO yet and don’t know of its power in the marketing world: the 90′s called and they want their Game Boy back. It’s 2011 and the search engine optimization business is a multi-billion dollar operation. Yet some marketing teams still don’t use this platform to its fullest potential. I understand that some have trouble figuring out the difficulties of this type of technology. But if your marketing folks don’t know how to soak up this exposure AND your firm does not have a kick ass IT team, then there are an uberzillion third party companies that can do it for you.
Here are some tips on how to make SEO work for your business:
Keywords and Search Terms – At the top of the food chain; this is what is going to bring your customers to your site. What are the important keywords or phrases that turn visitors into clients? Should your products also be used in some way in the tags? Build a leadoff list that represents your most relevant content as well as achievable content.
Daily Grasp – Monthly analysis is no longer enough. Companies need to look into all avenues of their digital campaigns on a day-to-day basis to keep track of competitors and rank. If you think that’s impossible, there are software programs specific to the SEO world that can help!
Local’s Calling – It’s important to come up as a local business for the visitors in your area. You can easily generate a Google Place page to secure your spot in the local search section in Google as well as in their maps.
Back End Tools – Web analytic tools such as Google Analytics can help you measure the success of your site. They can measure how many visitors you’re receiving each month as well as how many pages they click on during their visit. They can also tell you where in the country they’re visiting from and how long they stay on the site. These are just a few of the stats they pull – and it’s free!
Social Media Counts – Searches through social media outlets are known as organic searches. These involve interactions, relationships and dialogue which show how real you can be. A social media presence is important for SEO.
Got Video? – It can be fairly simple to create a video to highlight your services or any number of your products. A flip camera, a few minutes and a willing victim can give you some high points in any search engine. YouTube comes in second behind Google as the busiest engine. If you have a presence and you’re tagged in all the right ways, you’ve got a big boost. If you need help creating your own video, we can help! Just ask me how!
Article source: http://www.insurancejournal.com/blogs/2011/10/07/219177.htm