If you want customers to find your brand on the web, you’re going to have to put in a little work. Learning the ins and outs of Google Analytics will help you organize all of the data your company collects and put it to work on actionable marketing plans. This Google Analytics Certification course will add a valuable bullet point to your resume — or help you mine solid, helpful insights from your own startup’s website.
This class helps you prep for Google’s Analytics Individual Qualification exam. The two-day course is designed for complete beginners, and the 25 lessons include engaging HD video lessons for visual learners. You’ll gain access to 150 practice questions and answers to get a feel for how your exam will pan out.
The course also presents three different study strategies that are guaranteed to reduce your study time by 50% or more. A detailed overview of the exam and insider tips on how to pass the first time puts these certification lessons head and shoulders above the rest. There are even active discussion forums to help you connect with other newbie data strategists.
Usually, it costs $199.99 to take the Google Analytics Certification course, but right now you can prep for this essential online marketing exam for only $19.99.
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