
Web Optimizers

Predicting the ROI of SEO [PODCAST]

‘ ); h3_html = ‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor.headline+’ ‘; cta = ‘‘+cat_head_params.cta_text.text+’→‘ atext = ‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor_text+’ ‘; scdetails = scheader.getElementsByClassName( ‘scdetails’ ); sappendHtml( scdetails[0], h3_html ); sappendHtml( scdetails[0], atext ); sappendHtml( scdetails[0], cta ); // logo sappendHtml( scheader, ” ); sc_logo = scheader.getElementsByClassName( ‘sc-logo’ ); logo_html = ”; sappendHtml( sc_logo[0], logo_html ); sappendHtml( scheader, ” ); if(“undefined”!=typeof...
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Web Design Practices That Frustrate SEO Pros

What web design practices interfere with SEO? Do web developers and digital marketers clash over webpage design decisions? What issues face today’s website management teams? If you have ever wondered if online marketers care about webpage design, the answer is yes, they do. It can take years of work experience to truly understand how changes...
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Use Google Analytics to write informed content

Knowing your audience and your reach, you can use existing Google Analytics data to tailor the content you’re posting on blogs, social media and online articles. Writing your content based on analytics will help you: 1. Learn the age and gender of the audience so that you can relate more effectively. 2. Evaluate entry points...
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SEO vs. PPC: A Few Forgotten Truths

For years, people in this industry debated the merits of paid search advertising versus organic search marketing. Which was better? Which one should you put your resources into? Honestly, I thought we’d settled this argument a long time ago: You need both! But recently, the topic came up again amongst some of my clients. I...
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7 Tips to Improve Your SEO in 2019

PHOTO: Chris Wetherell Marketers have had to contend with challenges stemming from SEO for greater than 20 years now. According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2018 report, 61% of marketers feel improving SEO and growing their organic presence is the top inbound marketing priority. That may not be shocking since, well, SEO and inbound marketing...
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Google Analytics and why you should have it

Do you know what shoe size you wear? Do you know how many pairs of shoes you have in your closet? I am a size five wide or six in some countries and I have 15 pairs of shoes in my closet. Why is this important?  With the information, I am able to make quick...
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SMX replay: SEO that Google tries to correct for you

Search engines have seen the same SEO mistakes countless times, and as Patrick Stox, SEO specialist at IBM, said during his Insights session at SMX Advanced, “Are you going to throw millions of dollars at a PR campaign to try to get us [SEOs] to convince developers to fix all this stuff? Or are you...
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Google Analytics: Common Mistakes from Ecommerce Merchants

Google Analytics provides impactful data that can help ecommerce merchants. But installed incorrectly, Google Analytics can produce inaccurate reporting. And a faulty analysis of Analytics data can lead to the wrong actions. In this post, I’ll address common mistakes from merchants in installing Google Analytics and analyzing its data. Installation Mistakes Missing Google Analytics tags,...
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4 Ways to Enhance Your PPC System With Artificial Intelligence

It’s hard to have a conversation about modern marketing without discussing artificial intelligence first. Article source:
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Don’t get pulled over this weekend. Check your speed with Google Maps

Google Maps. NurPhoto/Getty Images The 4th of July means fireworks (learn how to take the best photos), cookouts and, unfortunately, speed traps. If you use Google Maps while you drive, you can keep an eye on how fast you’re going with a recent speedometer tool built into navigation. Yes, we know your car already has one, but...
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RippleSmith Services

Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.