The attack the compromised DigiNotar’s certificate authority infrastructure is much worse than originally thought: There were 531 fraudulent certificates that targeted the web sites of not just Google, but popular destinations such as Twitter, WordPress, Yahoo and Facebook as well as the sites of secret services. Mozilla is taking the lead in criticizing DigiNotar and...Read More
Most of the online business owners know about SEO or Search Engine Optimization pretty well and it too is a well known fact that a well optimized site does much better that the ones which aren’t optimized. This is how SEO plays a very important role in the success of an online business. However, it...Read More
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Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus...Read More
Although it easily could have turned into a random social media site lost among a sea of similar speedy blogging platforms that have emerged in the last year, Tumblr hasn’t tumbled. In fact, Tumblr is nearing the 10 billionth-post mark as it now retains almost 28 million blogs and sees over 37 million posts a...Read More
With roots in search engine optimization, Liana Evans explains the importance of integrating SEO and social media. She tells us the key to understanding search optimization in social media resides in remembering that social media communities are not search engines, and people search differently than they converse. Evans explains why these are important, how to...Read More
Fox News and Google will team up later this month to host a Republican presidential debate featuring video and text questions submitted by the public via YouTube. The use of YouTube-generated questions for a presidential debate was first attempted in 2007, when YouTube and CNN joined to produce Republican and Democratic debates. But the format...Read More
Besides the fraudulent security certificates Dutch authority DigiNotar issued for, more were made for,,, and an Iranian blogging platform, Baladin, according to a Dutch report. The report [Google Translate version] does not state how it came across the information that the additional sites were targeted, and neither DigiNotar, its parent,...Read More
There’s a panel at SES that usually ends up drawing a packed house. “SEO is Dead! Long Live SEO” never fails to impress the audience, especially with all the cries that “Social media is now ‘king.'” As I am primarily a social media marketer, but have deep roots in search engine optimization, I raise my...Read More
One of the things that made Google apps the web-based productivity suite to beat was the ability to access your information offline using Gears. When that experiment was killed, many of us let loose a single tear as we contemplated returning to our desktop apps. Well, as promised, HTML5 is finally returning Gmail to its...Read More
Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.