Eight Agency-Recommended Tools For Analyzing Your Data

Good data is important for any business to have. What’s even more essential is the ability to analyze and draw actionable insights from that data. Otherwise, that valuable information becomes nothing more than numbers on a spreadsheet.

There are tons of third-party tools and methods available to help you use your business data to its fullest potential, but with so many options, it’s hard to know which ones to try. While you ultimately need to choose the solutions that work best for your business, the experts at Forbes Agency Council highly recommend the following based on experience.

Members of the Forbes Agency Council weigh in.Images courtesy of FAC members.

1. Tableau

Every company has different analytical needs so there is no solution that works for everyone. However, Tableau comes to mind. They’re software, but if your data is clean, they are a fantastic tool for data exploration, not just creating great-looking dashboards. You can go from data to information in just a few drags and clicks of your mouse in minutes vs. hours, from Excel and other tools. – Zach MorrisonElite SEM

2. STAT Search Analytics

We trust STAT Search Analytics for two reasons: transparency and people. Rank tracking is inherently challenging. STAT provides transparency into how their software works, the limits of rank tracking generally, and the limitations of their tool specifically. Further, I’ve had the honor of getting to know several members of their team. In short, we’ve come to trust them to deliver rank data. – Gyi TsakalakisAttorneySync

3. Analytics Pros Or Adobe Marketing Solutions

For smaller and mid-range budgets, I would recommend Analytics Pros based out of Seattle. They can set up or configure some advanced analytics, tagging and attribution strategies for a moderate cost. They can also provide education to their clients to aid in the adoption of analytics best practices. For the large, fancy budgets, I recommend Adobe Marketing Solutions all the way. – Brooke Weller, iProspect, San Diego

4. Hubspot

We have worked closely with Hubspot for a few years now. They have been an absolute company decision-making lifesaver. Their analytics are progressive, accurate, flexible and insightful. Decision-making, A/B testing, user flow processes, call-to-action analysis and every data-based decision has been improved as a result of our Hubspot relationship. – Timothy NicholsExactDrive, Inc

5. Google

Google Analytics. Google Search Console. Google Ads. Heck, just plain old Google search. Google’s analytics are more reliable than any third-party vendor when the name of the game is getting more marketing results from Google. Listen and analyze what Google gives you, and make the right adjustments to move the needle. – Brett FarmiloeMarkitors

6. Google Plus Your Email Service Provider

With our strong focus on email marketing at OMI, we recognize it’s important in general to use multiple analytics platforms to gain a balanced perspective when measuring and tracking results and ROI. While our larger clients have in-house analytics teams, we typically rely on Google Analytics as well as our Email Service Providers (ESPs), such as Act-On, for our own internal campaigns. – Paula ChiocchiOutward Media, Inc.

7. Multiple Tools For Different Analytics Needs

For every project I work on, I always use Google Analytics. Then I use third-party tools like Siphon Cloud to see the discrepancy in data with bots versus human traffic compared to Google Analytics. Now, with this in place, I use tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg for heatmaps to see how users are interacting with the site. – Imran Tariq, WebMetrix Group LLC

8. Whichever Tool Best Fits Your Team And Reporting Needs

If you have experience dealing with multiple analytics platforms, you are aware that some are harder to use then others, some are more accurate than others, etc. Find the one that best fits your team and reporting style/needs. At Web Design and Co, we use Google Analytics, Moz and SEMrush as our go-to, and then branch out to Hotjar or FullStory for heatmaps. – David KleyWeb Design and Company

Article source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2018/09/14/eight-agency-recommended-tools-for-analyzing-your-data/

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