When it comes to reducing file sizes for your images intended to go within blog posts, then the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin is one of best WordPress plugins around to optimize images for a faster page speed. In fact, we have performed a few tests with the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin and found it to comply with Google PageSpeed desired results.
Once you install this image plugin, with very little effort, you can just upload image files and everything is taken care of automatically. You can play around with the default settings, although in our tests we didn’t change a thing to see losslessly compressing improve with Google PageSpeed.
EWWW Image Optimizer takes advantage of gifsicle, optipng/pngout, and jpegtran. You can also run a batch query with the touch of a button, which will optimize the images you uploaded before installing the plugin. You can see some of the settings within the screenshot below.
Google PageSpeed Tools – if you know very little about Google’s tools to help developers and webmasters make their pages load faster, then you should visit this page on Google to learn about them. Google offers best practices for improving speed with JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and other files with a new option to download compressed versions after you run a speed test.
To activate the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin within your WordPress install, just click add and search within your self-hosted solution, or download from the official WordPress Plugin website and use FTP software. The main benefits include smaller images, Better JPG and PNG optimization, faster pages, and quicker backups.
It’s worth mentioning that during our tests we did have a few problems with the web browser locking up. We had this with both Safari and Firefox, although the issues went away after an update to the plugin.
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Article source: http://www.product-reviews.net/2015/03/08/ewww-image-optimizer-wordpress-plugin-ideal-for-pagespeed/