Free webinar: ‘How to Measure Your Marketing Using Google Analytics’

ROCKLAND — We invite you to join us for a free, live webinar at noon on Wednesday, July 25,  when Dream Local Digital Founder and Client Success Officer Shannon Kinney will share insights on how to measure your marketing using Google Analytics.

During this half-hour webinar, you will learn:

  • How to tell if you’re SEO, search ads and other marketing tactics are producing results
  • Setting goals/and goal Tracking/Conversion
  • Key metrics to look for
  • How to produce a report that’s “easy” to understand and interpret

All those who sign up will receive the webinar recording and a copy of the presentation slides; therefore, if you can’t join us live, you can still sign up to get the assets.

Hope to see you there! Space is limited, reserve your virtual seat.

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