Google News Initiative releases real-time Analytics dashboard for newsrooms

Last week, Google marked the one year anniversary of its Google News Initiative aimed at supporting publications with new technology and funding. The company today announced new analytics tools to help news organizations make better use of incoming data.

As a follow up to last year’s News Consumer Insights report, Google is launching Realtime Content Insights (RCI). This tool leverages data from your site’s Google Analytics to present a dashboard of popular articles and trending topics across different regions in a more visual manner.

A full screen display mode is ideal for televisions and other large screens that are often used in today’s newsrooms to show various stats. The “Newsroom View” will display your top articles — complete with headline and cover images — with a “Real-time readers” metric and more historical “Views Last 30 Mins” count.

On regular screens, you can also get a list of top articles, and traffic sources by geography and referrals. The web app is freely available today for any Google Analytics user today. Google hopes this will help publications make “quick, data-driven decisions on content creation and distribution.”

Google real-time news dashboard

The “Propensity to Subscribe” signal within Google Ad Manager uses machine learning to help publishers determine readers that are likely to pay for content and those that aren’t. Still in closed beta today, Google plans to integrate it into Subscribe with Google this year.

We’re making progress on our propensity modeling: early tests from our model suggest that readers in the top 20 percent of likely subscribers are 50 times more likely to subscribe than readers in the bottom 20 percent.

Lastly, a Data Maturity Benchmark helps “publishers assess their data maturity, compare themselves to other news organizations and take steps to improve.”

The tool accompanies a new report published today by Deloitte that examines how news and media companies can use data to increase user engagement on digital platforms and drive value through the monetization of those platforms.

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