Six Great Responsive WordPress Themes

Ready to redesign your site? Here are six responsive WordPress themes that can give you a fresh look in 2017.

Hestia – Utilizing a Material-UI kit and reminiscent of Pinterest’s layout, Hestia is a perfect theme for any company that is just getting right off the ground. Not only does it come with a ton of bells and whistles, it’s completely compatible with Woo-Commerce. Even better: the minimalist design feels familiar and modern all at once.

Dyad 2 – Refreshing the now-classic Dyad theme, Automattic raised Dyad 2 to the next level for photographers and bloggers alike. Images and text get equal priority in this theme, with large featured content displayed above the fold. If a site’s content is more images than text, then you can’t do much better.

Zerif Lite – A true single page theme, Zerif Lite has popped up on thousands of sites in the past few months. And for good reason: the simple layout, clean white aesthetic, and recognizable layout may be the fastest loading theme of any on this list.

Magazine – Starting a new publication with the intention to launch to mobile? Take a look at Magazine. It utilizes a 3-column design that allows complex grid layouts and fleshed-out menus that can make a recently-launched news site look credible in mere minutes.  

Sydney – Another business-ready theme, this one was made with freelancers in mind who need a massive amount of customization. With full color control, a full screen slider, easy buttons, and 600+ Google fonts, creative professionals of all types can display their portfolio in an engaging and impactful way.

Parallax – Parallax scrolling has been trending for a hot minute (or two). This theme allows any user to take advantage of parallax scrolling and place it inside responsive, single page design. With heavy customization, infinite scrolling, and integrated image filters, Parallax can make an image-heavy site look top-notch without the need for any external software.

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