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Social intelligence platform Swipp unveiled a WordPress plugin that allows bloggers to incorporate the company’s sentiment-measuring widgets and offerings right on their site. In doing so, Swipp believes it will turn plain ol’ sites into a community where visitors can offer their opinions about what’s being posted.

Following Swipp’s release of an email insights widget last week, the company is moving forward like it’s on a mission to help corner the market with its opinion tracking platform.

Politial widgetstream new 730x528 Swipps new widget for WordPress blogs captures reader sentiment in real time

With Swipp’s WordPress plugin, bloggers can either apply a quick slider widget or the standard one to their site. In using these tools, sites can ask visitors what they think about the content on the page, such as this specific article or a particular topic. It would appear to be beneficial for those interested in hearing more about what customers think about their products.

The widget also collects comments as well. The company says that what separates itself from commenting platforms like Disqus, Livefyre, and others is its ability to aggregate data and display it in a “real-time infographic” to show where the reaction is coming from around the world.

Photo credit: Thinkstock

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