This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. WordPress provides a revisions system which records a full copy of every page and post when it’s saved. The advantage: you can revert to an earlier version of the document at any time...Read More
This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. WordPress is not inherently insecure and the developers work hard to ensure breaches are patched quickly. Unfortunately, WordPress’s success has made it a target: if you can break just one WordPress installation, many...Read More
In 1440 Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. The invention changed the world because it made information creation, dissemination, and consumption manageable at large scale. Inspired by technology that democratizes the dissemination of information, more than 500 years later a young programmer released WordPress, open source publishing software that today powers nearly a third of...Read More
Home routers are corralled into a network that disseminates the brute-force attack. Administrators of sites using the popular blogging platform WordPress face a new challenge: hackers are launching coordinated brute-force attacks on the administration panels of WordPress sites via unsecured home routers, according to a report on Bleeping Computer. Once they’ve gained access, the attackers...Read More
Prior to the 1990s, networking required business owners to put on their business attire, shove on dress shoes, drive to a pre-determined location at a pre-determined time, walk into a room full of people who didn’t know each other, go through introductions, explain their business, hand out business cards and hope people remembered to call later. Building...Read More
WordPress is the leading blogging platform that supports any Web site. The growth and success of WordPress have made WordPress operated sites a target by many hackers, spammers and cyber-criminals in general. A good webmaster must be proactive when it comes to securing your WordPress site so as to guard against the attacks that might...Read More
As WordPress grows with every core update, so do the wide variety of plugins that become essential to the world’s most popular CMS. Here are some of our current favorites. Google XML Sitemaps: With a legacy almost as old as WordPress itself (9 years and running), WordPress developer Arne Brachhold made it simple to for search...Read More
According to Startup Sesame, an alliance of tech events and connectors, every year there are more than 53,000 tech conferences and meetups in Europe. From Trondheim to Moscow to Lisbon, that is a huge number of events; for those in the industry choosing the most relevant conference is one of the challenges of the age....Read More
Ready to redesign your site? Here are six responsive WordPress themes that can give you a fresh look in 2017. Hestia – Utilizing a Material-UI kit and reminiscent of Pinterest’s layout, Hestia is a perfect theme for any company that is just getting right off the ground. Not only does it come with a ton...Read More
Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.