

5 Essential Skills Every PPC Professional Needs to Have

Christi Olson ‘); $(‘#scheader .sc-logo’).append(‘ ‘); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor+’ ‘); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(cat_head_params.sponsor_text); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); if(“undefined”!=typeof __gaTracker){ __gaTracker(‘create’, ‘UA-1465708-12’, ‘auto’, ‘tkTracker’); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.set’, ‘dimension1’, window.location.href ); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.set’, ‘dimension2’, ‘paid-search’ ); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.set’, ‘contentGroup1’, ‘paid-search’ ); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.send’, { ‘hitType’: ‘pageview’, ‘page’: cat_head_params.logo_url, ‘title’: cat_head_params.sponsor }); $(‘#scheader a’).click(function(){ __gaTracker( “tkTracker.send”,”event”, “Sponsored Category Click Var 1”, “paid-search”, ( $(this).attr(‘href’) ) );...
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Learn how to boost traffic and increase sales with this $13 Google AdWords course

In Mad Men, businesses flock to Sterling Cooper and Don Draper’s advertising prowess to create mind-blowing ads that help sell their products and services. That may have worked well in the 1960s, but maybe not so much now since everyone’s eyes are glued to screens instead of billboards and print ads. SEE ALSO: Google’s record-breaking...
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Want to know the secrets to cashing in on Google AdWords? Find out for $12.99

It’s an exciting time for digital advertisers and brand managers. Late last month, Google rechristened its massively successful advertising platform Google AdWords as Google Ads. While the adjustment heralds some change, the name simplification really just helps clarify AdWord’s ever-expanding capabilities. When launched back in 2000, Google AdWords was simply an outlet for running text...
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Three Reasons to Hit Pause on Your PPC Campaigns

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an effective tool among many industrial manufacturing companies looking to expand their outreach and to connect with new customers. Part of what makes this particular advertising model so popular is its ability to easily find new, potential customers who are already interested in the products or services that your company offers....
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Become a Google AdWords expert with this online course | Salon.com

Google AdWords is one of the most important marketing tools you can use to reach customers: Google owns 71% of the search market share, it has the world’s largest online display advertising network, and Google’s campaign displays reach roughly 80% of their search engine users. With such a vast reach over the internet, a successful...
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4 Things to Do When Your PPC Campaign Isn’t Generating Leads

Vikas Agrawal ‘); $(‘#scheader .sc-logo’).append(‘ ‘); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor+’ ‘); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(cat_head_params.sponsor_text); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); if(“undefined”!=typeof __gaTracker){ __gaTracker(‘create’, ‘UA-1465708-12’, ‘auto’, ‘tkTracker’); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.set’, ‘dimension1’, window.location.href ); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.set’, ‘dimension2’, ‘paid-search’ ); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.set’, ‘contentGroup1’, ‘paid-search’ ); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.send’, { ‘hitType’: ‘pageview’, ‘page’: cat_head_params.logo_url, ‘title’: cat_head_params.sponsor }); $(‘#scheader a’).click(function(){ __gaTracker( “tkTracker.send”,”event”, “Sponsored Category Click Var 1”, “paid-search”, ( $(this).attr(‘href’) ) );...
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No, Google AdWords hasn’t backtracked its policy on cryptocurrency ads

Despite the company itself looking into developing its blockchain, Google’s ads department announced earlier this year that it would be banning all cryptocurrency-related ads in an effort to combat malicious actors in the space. Now, many reports are surfacing suggesting Google has backtracked on this policy. Unfortunately for companies in the crypto space, however, they...
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5 Surprising Ways Great Content & PPC Can Help Each Other

Kristopher Jones ‘); $(‘#scheader .sc-logo’).append(‘ ‘); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor+’ ‘); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(cat_head_params.sponsor_text); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); if(“undefined”!=typeof __gaTracker){ __gaTracker(‘create’, ‘UA-1465708-12’, ‘auto’, ‘tkTracker’); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.set’, ‘dimension1’, window.location.href ); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.set’, ‘dimension2’, ‘paid-search’ ); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.set’, ‘contentGroup1’, ‘paid-search’ ); __gaTracker(‘tkTracker.send’, { ‘hitType’: ‘pageview’, ‘page’: cat_head_params.logo_url, ‘title’: cat_head_params.sponsor }); $(‘#scheader a’).click(function(){ __gaTracker( “tkTracker.send”,”event”, “Sponsored Category Click Var 1”, “paid-search”, ( $(this).attr(‘href’) ) );...
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Internet Marketing Agency, fishbat, Shares the Benefits of a Comprehensive Ad Campaign

PATCHOGUE, N.Y., Aug. 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — In order to help businesses continue to tackle growth and expansion from multiple angles, internet marketing agency fishbat shares the benefits of a comprehensive ad campaign. When marketing a business, it can be tempting to look for the highest return on your investment and call it a day. However,...
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Forget me not: 3 steps to make your PPC ads more memorable

What makes some ads stick in your mind, while others are instantly forgotten and relegated to the trash heap of online noise we’re exposed to every day? Have the memorable ad creators simply struck it lucky? Have the others taken general advertising principles, done some brainstorming and hoped for the best? Is there a way...
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RippleSmith Services

Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.