When you own a digital marketing agency, clients want to know where to invest their marketing dollars. A question we frequently receive is, “Should I invest in PPC or SEO?” Related: SEO vs. PPC: Knowing Which Is Right for Your Website According to WordStream, PPC stands for pay-per-click, “a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay...Read More
Dive Brief: Google announced new automated processes for AdWords that will go into effect starting April 29, per an email to customers made available to Marketing Dive by Adthena. The changes will use artificial intelligence and related technologies to make suggestions for optimizing ad campaigns run on the platform. Those suggestions will be generated based...Read More
The web page that potential customers see when they click on a Google AdWords ad could be affecting how much an ecommerce business pays per click and where it appears in search results. Google AdWords Landing Page Experience is a measurement of how well an ad’s landing page serves potential customers. It describes whether Google...Read More
Around the pay-per-click (PPC) water cooler, it’s been whispered that Google just might be out for its own financial self-interest. (Shhh! Don’t tell!) That Google search is an utterly dominant and indispensable source of high-quality, high-intent paid search traffic makes it impossible to do anything but maximize our spend in this channel, of course. But many...Read More
PHOTO: Shutterstock It’s terrific to gain conversion from paid search ads that have been clicked, but one question that comes up among marketers is how long should those conversions take? The question is not arbitrary. Marketers have sought speedy conversions online, especially if a business model is based upon digital sales. While many retailers have...Read More
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Customer Data Strategies Identity Resolution: Best PracticesApr 16, 2018 by Digital Marketing Depot When it comes to customer data, fundamentals matter. If you don’t know who your customers are, you can’t...Read More
Elisa Gabbert ‘); $(‘#scheader .sc-logo’).append(‘ ‘); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor+’ ‘); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(cat_head_params.sponsor_text); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); if(“undefined”!=typeof __gaTracker){ $(‘#scheader a’).click(function(){ __gaTracker( “send”,”event”, “Sponsored Category Click Var 1”, “digital-advertising”, ( $(this).attr(‘href’) ) ); }); } } }); }); What’s a good click-through rate in Google AdWords? What about a good cost per click and a good cost per...Read More
When you own a digital marketing agency, clients want to know where to invest their marketing dollars. A question we frequently receive is, “Should I invest in PPC or SEO?” Related: SEO vs. PPC: Knowing Which Is Right for Your Website According to WordStream, PPC stands for pay-per-click, “a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay...Read More
AdWords, Google’s advertising platform, is the engine driving online sales for many small and mid-sized ecommerce operations. Sellers that want to get the most from text ads in AdWords should learn simple, direct copywriting and do a whole lot of split testing. The AdWords platform has several ad formats and two networks — search and...Read More
Automation driven by improvements in artificial intelligence and machine learning will bring significant changes to how we manage pay-per-click (PPC) in 2018 and beyond. There’s still a role for humans to play, one of which is to use what we’ve learned from years of experience to bring an account as close to perfection as possible...Read More
Based in Vancouver, BC and serving North America, RippleSmith Services is Google AdWords certified and is recognized as a trusted business partner of Google. Get in touch to learn more how we can help your business.