Google also said on Friday that it was hiring a team dedicated to moderating employee discussions on internal forums. When an employee breaks the company’s policies for workplace discourse, the team may remind those employees about the rules. The team can also “take other actions as appropriate in response to significant or repeated policy violations,”...Read More
[Update: the Music tab has been relocated] Google’s Play Store has gotten a big visual makeover, the company announced today, with changes that include a cleaner look-and-feel, new navigation, an easier way to to see app information and more. Most notably, however, is that Google has taken a page from Apple’s playbook with the priority...Read More
President Donald Trump claimed on Twitter that Google “manipulated” votes in the 2016 election that would have given him an even greater lead over his opponent and that the company “should be sued.” Trump’s tweet appears to refer to documents leaked to conservative group Project Veritas, but the documents do not appear to contain any...Read More
Image: Google Google has announced a new feature for Assistant to that enables anyone in a given Google family group—be they family, friends, or god help us, roommates—to receive an “assignable reminder,” which Google says might include anything from completing chores to notes of encouragement. In theory, this sounds great. But reader, I have some...Read More
Twenty-three job-hunting sites have written to the EU’s Competition Commissioner to ask Google to withdraw its first-party job listing tool from its search results, Reuters reports. The sites, which include UK site Best Jobs Online and German sites Intermedia and Jobindex, claim that Google is unfairly pushing users toward its own service, while their pages...Read More
How the streaming wars between Disney, Netflix and everybody else… Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video and others are about to come head-to-head with the likes of Disney Plus, Apple TV Plus, HBO Max and CNBC’s parent company, NBCUniversal…. Technologyread more Article source: More
[Animation: courtesy of Google] Sites like Listen Notes and (until it shut down in 2017), among many other startups determined to crack podcast discovery, were created to solve this problem by aspiring to be the Google for podcasts. But now Google wants to be the Google for podcasts. Starting today, the company announced that...Read More
This week, President Donald Trump shared a Fox News clip featuring Kevin Cernekee, a former Google engineer who claims he was fired for being conservative, saying that when Trump was elected in 2016, Google executives said they would use their power “to control the flow of information to the public and make sure that Trump...Read More
Google is shutting down its Trips app for mobile phones, but is incorporating much of the functionality from the service into its Maps app and Search features, according to a statement from the company. Support for the Trips app ends today, but information like notes and saved places will be available in Search as long...Read More
Subscription services are all the rage these days, and Google is the latest company to get in on the action, with Android Police reporting that the company has already started testing a new Play Pass subscription service that offers “hundreds of premium apps and games” with no ads or in-app purchases for a flat monthly...Read More
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